Über uns

We, that's Juliane & Linda or Linda & Juliane (which donkey comes first?). We love food. And are always on the lookout for culinary experiences with great curiosity.

The enjoyment of high-quality food is a central theme in our daily lives. We particularly enjoy cooking with fresh and unprocessed food. We focus on regional, organic and sustainable products. The region around Freiburg is a colorful garden with a variety of vegetables, fruit and other foods.

That's why in 2023 we decided to create a place of shared enjoyment, a so-called "Cokulinarium". A place for culinary enthusiasts to network, exchange ideas, develop joint projects and find solutions to culinary challenges. A place where food and drink take center stage, but which also offers space for joint creation and lively exchange.

You can take part in all of this. Whether as a guest, a curious person or an expert. In our three stores: Bächle, Kurz & Kork, Die Friedrich.

Ideas, questions or anything else to hallo@cokulinarium.de